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Sometimes finding careers can be a very difficult and daunting task. Often, there are not employment opportunities that are easily found. Thanks to temp agencies, people are able to find temporary employment to help them get by until they can obtain other employment. Often times, the temporary positions can lead to permanent ones if you work to your employer’s satisfaction, especially if you exceed that.

Temp agencies are staffed with employees who specialize in matching employers with potential candidates for positions that they have available. They can also work with those who are seeking jobs to help them find a solution that best fits their needs. This can be if they just want something temporary, temporary to hire or seasonal employment.

This field will often require a college degree for their careers. Most often, they would need to have an in-depth knowledge of the employers that are looking for work to properly place the people within their agency in a field that is a good fit for them. Anyone in this field should also have an excellent working relationship with the companies that they work with.

A final note about this industry is that you will need to be great working with people. You will need to have the ability to diffuse any situations that may arise.

Job Opportunities

Here are some job opportunities that you can find within this industry:

Staffing Coordinator: A staffing coordinator is responsible for many aspects of this agency. They will help with job descriptions, look over resumes, find the right applicants, and schedule interviews. A staffing coordinator should be well aware of any laws pertaining to hiring, firing, and keeping employees. They should also know all about Equal Opportunity Laws and anything to do with employee contracts and background checks. They must have excellent skills in all forms of communication, as they usually spend their day talking to potential employees or employers. They are responsible for ensuring that all policies are being followed and that they can be discreet about issues involving salaries and other confidential information. To become a staffing coordinator, it is preferred that you have a bachelor’s degree in human resources or some other related field like business or communications. The average yearly salary for a position like this is around $56,000 a year.

Staff Recruiter: This person will work with the client of their staffing agency to understand the needs of the company. They must understand the requirements their clients have for their employees and be able to assist in finding the right person for the job. A staff recruiter will maintain records of contact during the entire hiring process. They can focus on larger recruiting efforts on behalf of the client who is seeking employees. To gain a position as a staff recruiter, they will need at least 2 years of experience in a similar field and be experienced in clerical and office work. They should have excellent communication skills. A bachelor’s degree is not required but it preferred. A recruiter can often make around $53,000 a year.

Recruiting Manager: A recruiting manager is in charge of all their staff and their branch of their agency. They are responsible for ensuring that the screening processes, recruiting and sourcing are done to their company’s standards. They must make sure that the agency is run in the most cost efficient manner and provide quality service to the clients of their agency. A recruiting manager is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with their clients and any people with stake in the company. A manager will need to put into place business plans to maximize the results for all parties involved. They hire the staff that will work in the agency and must be sure that they meet all qualifications for their positions. They will oversee the employees and assign their clients to their staffing specialists. They should be aware of the economic trends in the employment industry to be on top of everything. To be a recruiting manager, a bachelor’s degree in business or some other related field is required. They must be experienced in customer service and have managerial experience. Their average yearly salary can be around $80,000-$100,000. This is dependent on experience and level of education.

Operations Consultant: These are the main consultants of their company, for both the staffing agency and their clients. They will be in charge of the programs the agency has in place, and figuring out the best ways to maintain these programs. The operations consultant will understand the standards that this particular type of practice and help create strategies to improve upon the practices already in place. Among other things, they collect all data that is pertinent for their clients to help assess their needs. They must also work with the clients to ensure that they are familiar with the processes of finding staff and hiring. A bachelor’s degree in business or other related field is required for this position. They will also need to be willing to travel. They should also have at least 3 years of experience in a managerial position. The average salary for an operations consultant is around $55,000 a year.

Job Outlook

The job outlook for this industry is around 13%. This is just a bit higher than the 11% national average. The reason for this growth is because as does the need for these staffing servicing grow, the need for the properly trained staff to join them does as well. This field will continually need people with human resource skills.

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