Japanese brand UNIQLO is an established international fashion retailer offering women’s, men’s, and kid’s apparel and accessories. The store boasts over eight hundred and fifty stores in their flagship nation, Japan. International expansion has added over six hundred locations serving customers in China, South Korea, the United States, and more.
UNIQLO was the first company in Japan to inaugurate a Specialty store retailer of Private label Apparel business model, in which all stages of the business are completed from within the brand. From design to production to retail sales, the company is responsible for their products from start to finish. Because the company does not outsource for these resources, there is more involvement and efficiency in making modifications. This also keeps the company practices cost effective and brings products to customers at reasonable prices. Designers for the brand focus on creating minimalistic, on-trend pieces.
For over fifteen years UNIQLO has dedicated efforts to their All-Product Recycling Initiative, which focuses on collecting used clothing items to be recycled and reused. Their partnership with United Nations High Commissioner has accumulated several million used clothing items to be donated to refugees and those in need.
Along with labors of clothing donation, the fashion retailer has recently created a line of clothes whose proceeds will be partially funding educational opportunities for women in Bangladesh. The program organizing these funds is the Business for Social Responsibility, a nonprofit whose mission is to better life quality of women in developing nations. Through charitable endeavors and responsible production UNIQLO continues to develop as an international consumer brand.
Uniqlo Interview Questions
What do you know about our company? You should always find out as much about the company as possible. If you know nothing about the company you are interviewing for then it looks as if you don’t care. As well as the product or service that they offer you should also find out about its culture and goals, its competitors and its position in the market.
How long do you want to work here? The way to answer this question is to avoid exact time frames. Try to give a more general response that does not commit you to a certain length of time. “I hope that it would be for a significant period”, or, “As long as we are both happy and achieving our goals”, are suitable answers.
What relevant experience do you have? Talk about a work-related experience that is specifically relevant to the job that you are applying for. At this point you shouldn’t talk about any experience that isn’t relevant. If you do not have experience in the field that you are interviewing for, then talk about your skills and qualifications.
What characteristics do you want your boss to have? Think about your previous bosses and their good qualities and come up with firm and positive examples of what made them successful managers. Answers should be direct and relatively short. Traits such as respect for colleagues, clear communication and accessibility are examples of what makes managers rewarding to work for.
Do you know anyone that works here? Sometimes companies have policies regarding hiring people that are related to current employees and you should be aware of company policies before you interview. Only mention a friend or acquaintance if you are sure that they are well thought of by the company. If you have doubts then it is better to say no.