Marsh Supermarkets Application & Careers

Marsh supermarkets

Marsh Supermarkets is a retail supermarket chain with 97 stores located around central Indiana and Western Ohio in the United States. The store is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.  The retailer runs two other chains, O’Mailia’s Markets and MainStreet Markets, also grocery store chains, of which there are 3 and 25 locations, respectively.

Marsh Supermarkets are full-scale groceries, providing full produce offerings, an in-house butchery and bakery, wine and beer, and the wide assortment of dried, canned, and frozen food typical of the modern supermarket. Thirty-seven locations have pharmacies attached to their store. The company websites boasts nearly 9,000 employees who serve two million customers every week.

The first store was founded in 1931 by Ermal Marsh, who began expanding the business under the name “Marsh Foodliners” following the end of the Great Depression. He managed to open sixteen branches by the time the chain went public in 1953. In 1959, leadership of the business fell to Ermal’s brother Estel Marsh after Ermal was killed in a plane crash.  The new president changed the company name to Marsh Supermarkets, which it is known as to this day.

Sun Capital Partners have owned the supermarket chain as a private company since 2006. The purchase occurred amidst scandal and accusations that former president (and son to Estel Marsh) Don Marsh and his son David had improperly spent significant company funds on personal expenses, including travel costs, luxury goods, and estate-planning costs for themselves and their family members. A messy legal battle ensued over contracts and severance packages. Since 2012 the company runs with by Thomas R. O’Boyle Jr. as President and CEO.

Marsh Supermarkets Interview Questions

Do you work well with others? If you don’t work well with others, you need to learn because it is needed to work on any kind of job. Answer the employer honestly and give them an example of a time where you did work well with others. Don’t let the example be too long or you will bore them and lose their attention. It shouldn’t last more than 1 minute.

Do you think your skills fit this job or another job? Do you think that this job best fits your capabilities or is there something else out there better for you? If the job you are applying for is the job you really want to go for and stick with for years, you should lean more toward the first option rather than the second. You do not want to seem more interested in another job while at an interview.

What knowledge from your mistakes on a job have you gained? Have there been times where you completely messed up something while on the clock? What lessons did you learn from those screw-ups? Some of the most valuable lessons come from a mistake on a job. Take a while to think about your response. Do not give a silly response that shows that you never learn from your mistakes. Give a solid answer.

Are there any blind spots of yours that you know of? This can be somewhat confusing, so if you need clarification, do not hesitate to ask. Think about your weaknesses because that it all a “blind spot” is. If you know your blind spots, do not be hesitate to let them be known, but you can also add how you are working on your blind spots (weaknesses) and what you are doing to work on them.

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