Great Wraps is an American fast food restaurant that has its headquarters in Atlanta, USA. Their products include mouth-watering gluten-free wrap sandwiches, cheese steaks, rice delicacies and cool smoothies for dessert. The Gyro wrap is their signature dish served at their stores.
The company was founded in 1974 and was franchised in the year 1986. Currently, the company’s CEO is Mark Kaplan. The company also engages in partnering with charity groups that are located nearby their stores.
Great Wraps is ranked number 1 in the US Wraps Chain. There are over 80 stores operating in 18 states. There are many stores operating at food courts too.
Great Wraps offers lucrative salaries to its employees at various job positions. Promotions and food vouchers are some of the perks employees enjoy at their stores.
How old do you have to be to work at Great Wraps?
Basically, aspirants who have attained an age of 16 can apply for jobs at Great Wraps. For managerial positions, the ideal age is 18 years or above. People who are aspiring to gain some experience in hospitality would enjoy working here.
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