Bally Total Fitness Application & Careers

Bally Total Fitness

Bally Total Fitness is a fitness club chain in New York. It offers a range of workout trainings and services. Classes offered include Zumba, Pilates, Tabata, and Palango. Each club is specially designed to meet each member’s goals.

Bally Manufacturing purchased an exercise bike manufacturer in 1983. The club was subsequently founded on the same year. In 2007, it operated about 440 facilities worldwide. After downsizing, the club limited its chains in New York.

Since 1983, Bally continuously provided members with quality services. Each club boasts spacious floor plan for efficiency and comfort. Bally Total Fitness also highlights safety and high quality equipment. They also offer sanitary stations and water fountains.

The company provides its employees with a motivated working atmosphere. Employees benefit from days off on holidays and vacation. They also enjoy being surrounded by enthusiastic workmates. Other benefits depend on their position.

How old do you have to be to work at Bally Total Fitness?

Any person possessing all the necessary requirements may apply. However, it is advised that he must be at least 21 years old. Personal trainers must be experts in staying fit and healthy. Keeping members motivated is a must.

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